The Bakkhai

Conceptual Project
Scenic Design 1
Fall 2019

Concept Thesis: When first reading 'The Bakkhai', I was immediately drawn to how Dionysus and the gods are a force of nature in the lives of mortals. As much as humans try to control nature and plan for disaster, nature will always come out the winner. "The Bakkhai" is a cautionary tale about what happens when you try to control a god. The prose of Anne Carson's version, with her vivid language and imagery, made me think of the old west. Pentheus, the sheriff of the town, attempts to capture Dionysus (the lone ranger), and restore order to Thebes, but Dionysus has other plans.

Programs Used: AutoCAD, Photoshop

Model Process

The desert was created by later wood clay over foam core and the floor of the model box. After drying, I painted a base coat, and then added shadows. Then I used a variety of modeling landscape powders and rocks to create the barren but warm landscape of Thebes. The desert was glued and sealed with modeling spray glue. The doors are made out of thin cardboard, which I painted and detailed with colored pencils. The mountains and backdrop were printed and glued into place, along with the walls on the side. I used the black walls on either side of the desert to create forced perspective, and make it appear that the desert recedes in the distance toward the mountains. It also provides containment for the desert, adding to the theme of humans trying to control nature.




The Aliens